Christian Treatment Program for Women & Girls

Healing from eating disorders and other behavioral health concerns isn’t an easy process. For many women and girls, adding an element of faith and spirituality can nourish the soul and aid their recovery. 

That’s why Timberline Knolls is proud to offer The Grace Program. This optional program integrates principles of Christian faith into our recovery programming, allowing women and girls to connect with God’s grace, compassion, and mercy along their journey toward better health. 

Watch a Short Video of the Grace Program Here: Timberline Knolls | Grace Program

How Does Christian Programming Work? 

Eating disorders, mental health concerns, and substance use disorders can take a toll on a woman’s or girl’s mind, body, and soul. They can damage relationships with friends and family and call into question your connection with God.  

The Grace Program helps bridge that gap by reuniting and deepening your association with your faith. Each woman or girl who heals with us receives a Bible and a Souls Like Stars workbook, the materials that will help serve as your primary guides during your time with us. 

Our belief in providing individualized care that addresses the whole person extends to our Christian programming. Each woman or girl is paired with a licensed Christian primary and family therapist and participates in specialized groups.  

What Are the Benefits of Christian Programming? 

The Grace Program integrates New Testament truth with recovery principles, allowing women and girls to form a more complete picture of who God is and develop a deeper appreciation for the importance of his involvement as they continue to heal. 

Some features that make our Christian programming stand out include: 

  • Celebrate Recovery: This Christ-centered, 12-Step recovery program helps women and girls who are struggling with past harmful experiences, painful memories, or addiction. 
  • The Sanctuary: sacred space on our campus, The Sanctuary is open both day and night for prayer, meditation, reflection, and moments of letting go. 
  • Chaplain visits: Women and girls can meet privately with our board-certified chaplain, who is a doctor of ministry with a focus on dignity in patient-centered care. 
  • Church services: We encourage all women and girls at Timberline Knolls to attend Sunday services within the community. 

Which Specialized Services Will I Participate In? 

All women and girls who are part of The Grace Program will work with a licensed Christian therapist in both family and individual sessions. These therapists specialize in integrating faith and values into your sessions while also addressing spiritual wounds and conflicts in the healing process. 

Additionally, you can expect to participate in three different groups in our Christian programming, each of which is designed to approach growth and learning through education, experience, or interaction. They are: 

  • Soul Making: This interactive, psychoeducational group helps you explore topics such as experiencing God’s love and understanding forgiveness, identity, and boundaries. We use scripture and lessons from Souls Like Stars to discover biblical perspectives. 
  • Awakenings: This experiential group addresses how to open a loving connection with God by helping women and girls release feelings of shame, guilt, and anger. We use music, art, and worship to help you feel the presence of God’s love and express your love for him. 
  • Sojourn: This process group lets you share personal experiences and receive insight and encouragement from one another in a nonjudgmental setting. This provides a forum for women and girls to talk about their belief, or lack of belief, in God throughout their lives.  

This content was reviewed and approved by the clinical staff at Timberline Knolls. 

The Grace Program at Timberline Knolls

Learn more about the Grace Program

TK saved my life, and I am forever grateful for that. I now have been months free from my eating disorder... They really make sure you know your skills before you leave!

– A former resident
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