Cocaine Addiction Treatment Center for Women

Cocaine addiction is an illness that can have a long-lasting impact on a woman’s or girl’s life. Without professional treatment, cocaine addiction can lead to accidental overdose or death. 

The National Institute on Drug Abuse explains that cocaine causes dopamine to flood the brain’s reward centerIf a woman or girl continues to use cocaine, the brain adapts to the extra dopamine, causing theto take stronger doses more often. 

As the brain becomes more tolerant to cocaine, it develops a dependency to the substance. This cycle leads a woman or girl to develop cocaine addiction. 

Common Signs & Symptoms of Cocaine Addiction 

There are certain signs and symptoms that might indicate a woman or girl is suffering from cocaine addiction. Each individual has a unique life experience, so these behaviors don’t necessarily mean that person is struggling with cocaine use. However, if you notice any of these signs or symptoms in a woman or girl you know, it may be time to check in with her: 

  • Short energy bursts 
  • Unusual happiness 
  • Extreme mental alertness 
  • Hypersensitivity to sight, sound, and touch 
  • Irritability or moodiness 
  • Paranoia or distrust of others 
  • Inability to sit still 
  • Dilated pupils 
  • Muscle twitches or tremors 
  • Pounding heart 

How Do I Know If I’m In Cocaine Withdrawal? 

When cocaine’s effects leave your bodyyou may suffer from withdrawal symptoms that can make stopping your cocaine use challenging. Many women and girls continue to abuse cocaine even though they want to stop because the withdrawal symptoms are so painful and overwhelming. 

Common cocaine withdrawal symptoms include: 

  • Nausea 
  • Vomiting 
  • Stomach pain 
  • Sweating 
  • Leg cramps 
  • Headaches 
  • Insomnia 

Effects of Cocaine Addiction 

Cocaine addiction can cause severe health problems depending on how a woman or girl uses the drugWithout treatment, a girl’s or women’s cocaine abuse can also damage her closest relationships and interfere with her ability to function in daily life. 

These are some examples of the effects of cocaine addiction: 

  • Loss of smell 
  • Respiratory problems 
  • Bowel decay 
  • Scarred or collapsed veins 
  • HIV or hepatitis C infection 
  • Malnourishment 

Benefits of Cocaine Addiction Treatment 

When you make the decision to get cocaine addiction treatment, you take the first steps toward living the life you deserve. 

During cocaine addiction treatment, you can go through the cocaine withdrawal process under the supervision of professionals. You can also get to the root of what may have led you to start using cocaine and make the behavioral changes needed to experience successful, long-lasting recovery. 

One of the fundamental elements of cocaine addiction treatment is the strength and support you discover in the recovery community. Many women and girls find this to be a source of motivation throughout the recovery process. 

Choosing the Right Cocaine Addiction Treatment 

Recovery is an individual experience, so it’s essential that you select cocaine addiction treatment that meets your specific needs and goals. Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center offers multiple levels of care to ensure that women and girls get the cocaine addiction treatment that’s right for them. 

Residential cocaine addiction treatment offers women and girls a safe space to get away from the stressors of their daily lives so they can focus on their recovery. Our multidisciplinary staff provides a trauma-informed approach that empowers women and girls to be active participants in their treatment. 

Women who take part in our partial hospitalization program (PHP) get daylong, structured cocaine addiction treatment with opportunities to apply their new coping skills in real-life settings. They have the flexibility to go home after the treatment day ends or stay in one of our on-campus residences. 

The expert staff members at our cocaine addiction treatment center work closely with every woman or girl to identify what level of care is the best fit for her. 

Therapies Used to Treat Cocaine Addiction 

We honor the individuality of every woman and girl who seeks cocaine addiction treatment at Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center. Just as no woman or girl is identical, no cocaine addiction treatment experience is the same. 

We use various evidence-based interventions depending on each woman’s or girl’s individualized cocaine addiction treatment planDepending on your specific needs and goals, you may take part in our ambulatory, nonmedical detoxification services as you begin cocaine addiction treatment. 

You may also experience elements of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), motivational interviewing, and the 12 Steps of recovery.  

Group therapy is fundamental to the cocaine addiction treatment we provide, with discussions that may include coping skills, medication management, and skill-building. You may meet with a therapist individually twice a week and participate in yoga, dance/movement, or art therapy based on recommendations in your individualized cocaine addiction treatment plan. 

We also offer family therapy once a week to help women and girls mend important bonds. These sessions can reopen the lines of communication and start to heal any of the damage that may have been caused by a woman’s or girl’s struggles with cocaine use. 

This content was reviewed and approved by the clinical staff at Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center. 

Hi, My name is Angel. I was admitted to residential treatment at Timberline Knolls in 2016 to treat my depression. At that time I was unemployed, home alone, and labeled med resistant. Though I did not socialize much, I benefited because I was no longer alone.

I elected to go to the partial hospitalization program at TK thereafter. This was because I wanted to continue with the DBT principles, continue with yoga, and continue speaking with the chaplain. Choosing to stay with TK resulted in me regaining my voice. In PHP I started engaging socially with the TK community. I also started to unpack my relationship with my father, with my father and our family therapist; a process that I prepared for in residential. Residential treatment at Timberline Knolls and continuing with partial hospitalization ensured that I could keep building on my recovery, namely in my relationships with spirituality, with new people, and with myself.

- Angel T



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