Meth Addiction Treatment Center for Women

When a woman or girl struggles with meth use, so many aspects of her life can be destroyed by the health effects and behaviors associated with meth addiction. 

The National Institute on Drug Abuse says meth, clinically known as methamphetamine, is a highly addictive stimulant that causes a high effect that does not last long. Some women and girls who suffer from meth abuse “binge and crash to maintain the desired effect, sometimes giving up food and sleep for several days to use meth every few hours. 

Without professional treatment, not only can meth addiction have a devastating impact, but it can also be fatal. 

Common Signs & Symptoms of Meth Addiction 

The warning signs of meth use are like those of other amphetamines. However, they don’t necessarily mean that a woman or girl is struggling with meth abuse. If you know a girl or woman who acts this way or displays some meth addiction symptoms, it may be time to seek professional help. 

Here are some examples of the warning signs and symptoms of meth addiction: 

  • Decreased appetite 
  • Less need for sleep 
  • More active than usual 
  • Rapid breathing 
  • Fast or irregular heartbeat 
  • High body temperature 
  • Weight loss 
  • Intense itching 
  • Memory loss 
  • Paranoia 
  • Hallucinations 
  • Confusion 

When Should I Get Detox? 

Because this drug is highly addictivemeth withdrawal symptoms can set in shortly after the substance leaves a woman’s or girl’s body.  

During meth withdrawal, you will typically experience intense meth cravings, severe fatigue, sweating, and stomach and muscle cramps. You may also suffer from psychosis, headaches, and vomiting.  

Meth withdrawal symptoms can be painful and distressing to go through without professional support, leading to the “binge and crash” pattern so many women and girls struggle with. But by going through the detoxification process under the supervision of experts, you can get through meth withdrawal as safely and comfortably as possible. 

Effects of Meth Addiction 

The effects of meth addiction can be devastatingIt’s also important to remember that, because there are various ways to use meth, there are also different ways it can impact a woman’s or girl’s health.  

Here are examples of the effects of meth addiction: 

  • Hepatitis B and C or HIV infection 
  • Worsened progression of HIV/AIDS 
  • Sexually transmitted infections 
  • Unplanned pregnancies 
  • Long-term cognitive problems 
  • Severe dental problems 
  • Skin sores 
  • Increased risk of Parkinson’s disease 

Benefits of Meth Addiction Treatment 

Getting meth addiction treatment is an important step in breaking the cycle of meth abuse so you can start living a more satisfying life. 

By seeking meth addiction treatment, you can detox safely with the help of experts who can support you through the entire meth withdrawal process. You can also develop new coping skills that make it possible to lead a sober lifestyle. 

During meth addiction treatment, you will also learn that you are not alone in your struggles with meth use. So many other women and girls have also suffered from meth addiction and have come out on the other side through professional meth addiction treatment. 

Choosing the Right Meth Addiction Treatment 

Recovery from meth addiction is an individual experience. No two people walk the same path to successful sobriety. Meth addiction treatment should honor the uniqueness of each woman and girl who seeks professional help. 

We offer multiple levels of care at Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center, including: 

  • Residential meth addiction treatment: This level of care provides women and girls round-the-clock treatment in a safe environment. Our multidisciplinary team uses a trauma-informed, 12-Step approach to meth addiction treatment that promotes long-term recovery. 
  • Partial hospitalization program (PHP): Women who take part in this level of care benefit from the structure of daylong treatment, with the added flexibility to go home or stay in one of our on-campus residences after the treatment day is over. 

Finding the meth addiction treatment that is the perfect fit for you is essential to your success, so our expert team works closely with you to understand your current needs and goals. 

Therapies Used to Treat Meth Addiction 

At Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center, we individualize the meth addiction treatment for each woman or girl who turns to us in her time of need. Our expert team collaborates with you to ensure your meth addiction treatment plan meets your specific needs and recovery goals. 

We combine multiple evidence-based interventions to promote successful, long-lasting recovery. Depending on your individualized meth addiction plan, you may experience: 

  • Ambulatory, nonmedical detoxification 
  • Group, family, and individual therapies 
  • Experiential therapies 
  • Medication management services 

We may also integrate elements of the 12 Steps of recovery, motivational interviewing, acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). We develop each aspect of your meth addiction plan with your unique life experiences and medical history in mind. 

This content was reviewed and approved by the clinical staff at Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center. 

I stepped down from Timberline Knolls’ Residential program to their PHP with supportive housing.  PHP helped me be able to have long term recovery. Going into a grocery store and make meals with support was helpful. Also, being accountable with acting out on urges, I learned to ask for support.  With anxiety/ panic and going out in the world I learned how to navigate and how to move through a panic attack and not retreat to old behaviors.  Living in the supportive housing was a key factor to me recovery because I was supported by others and staff throughout the night. I would not have made it through the last 6 years of recovery without PHP relapsing and giving me tools and it really made a difference. I hope you take the opportunity to go to PHP at Timberline knolls after completing their residential program.

- Lindsey C


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