Shannon Hostetter
Shannon Hostetter is a single mother of three, a Navy veteran, and a plant manager. As a teenager, trauma and early exposure to eating disorders were the catalysts to Shannon developing anorexia, which then led to depression and anxiety.

At 30 years old, she came to Timberline Knolls, crediting the supportive staff she met who advocated for her health. On her first day, tasked with eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, she recalls how Timberline Knolls removed all outside world distractions so she could accomplish one milestone at a time.
Today, Shannon’s recovery journey is still in progress. She says victory for her means tackling life’s challenges without utilizing her eating disorder. Reminding herself that there are moments when she gets to focus on her kids and passions and forget about her eating disorder, that’s what keeps her going.